Sergey Goncharov

I moved to the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham. Please, refer to my new cite:

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg   Room: 11.156
Chair for Theoretical Computer Science   Phone: +49-91-3185-64031
Martenstraße 3   Fax: +49-91-3185-64055
D-91058 Erlangen   E-Mail:




About me

I am a researcher at Chair for Theoretical Computer Science of Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen and Nürnberg. My research interests include (but not limited to):

  • computational monads and side-effects
  • program logics (with side-effects)
  • semantics and foundations of computations
  • (universal) algebra, coalgebra, and category theory
  • hybrid systems



I am concerned with the basic research in the area of formal semantics of specification and programming languages. My work is thus oriented towards identification of the general idioms and principles pervasively appearing in these areas, to allow for a conceptual unification of various approaches to ensure both a high level of generality and practical meaningfulness.

Guarded Trace

With this in mind, I am studying and contributing process algebra, computational monads, fixpoint calculi, Kleene algebra, formal languages and automata theory.

In more detail, my view is recently summarized in the abstract to my habilitation thesis. My recent work revolves around the notion of guarded traced monoidal category.
