Oberseminar (WiSe 2024/25)
Das Oberseminar des Lehrstuhls für Theoretische Informatik findet dienstags 14:15-15:45 in Raum 00.131-128 (Cauerstraße 11) statt.
Das Oberseminar steht Masterstudierenden und Doktoranden sowie bei Interesse Bachelorstudierenden offen.
Die Themenwahl erfolgt nach Vereinbarung entsprechend den Schwerpunkten des Lehrstuhls.
Bei Nachfragen gerne per Mail an den Seminarleiter (Prof. Dr. Lutz Schröder), Anmeldung zur Mailingliste: TCS-Seminar Mailinglist
Previous Talks | |
Tuesday, 11/02/2025 |
Iterations and their Topology
AbstractIn this talk, a topology on a set X which naturally arises from each endofunction on X will be introduced. It will be shown that the iterations (or orbits) of every function form a basis for this topology. Apart from many things, the properties of functions can be classified based on that of their topologies, for example, it is shown that a function is identity if and only if its topology is Hausdorff, a function is bijective if and only if each open set is clopen. Finally, the continuity with respect to this topology is studied and compact spaces are characterized.
Tuesday, 04/02/2025 |
Approximation Fixpoint Theory Meets Coalgebraic Modal Logic
AbstractThis talk will present work in progress exploring the combination of approximation fixpoint theory with coalgebraic modal logic to overcome limitations imposed by monotonicity. While classical coalgebraic modal logic requires monotone operators, approximation fixpoint theory offers a framework for handling non-monotone ones. Integrating this into a coalgebraic setting thus promises capabilities for generalising more expressive logics.
Tuesday, 28/01/2025 |
Non-expansive Fuzzy ALC
AbstractFuzzy description logics serve the representation of vague knowledge, typically letting concepts take truth degrees in the unit interval. Expressiveness, logical properties, and complexity vary strongly with the choice of propositional base. The Łukasiewicz propositional base is generally perceived to have preferable logical properties but often entails high complexity or even undecidability. Contrastingly, the less expressive Zadeh propositional base comes with low complexity but entails essentially no change in logical behaviour compared to the classical case. To strike a balance between these poles, we propose non expansive ALC, in which the Zadeh base is extended with Łukasiewicz connectives where one side is restricted to be a rational constant, that is, with constant shift operators. This allows, for instance, modelling dampened inheritance of properties along roles. We present an unlabelled tableau method for non-expansive fuzzy ALC, which allows reasoning over general TBoxes in EXPTime like in two-valued ALC.
Tuesday, 21/01/2025 |
Semantics of Categorical Nondeterministic Automata in a Topos
AbstractFrank, Milius and Urbat presented nondeterministic automata in categories with sufficient structure like toposes. Within the internal logic of a topos, this thesis investigates if the accepted languages of such automata coincide with the trace semantics of the corresponding coalgebra. We take two approaches to show this is the case: The first one assumes the topos admits countable coproducts, which is not generally the case. The second one uses graded monads to describe the accepted words up to some fixed length.
Tuesday, 14/01/2025 (World Logic Day) |
Trace Equivalence in Abstract GSOS
AbstractAbstract GSOS is a categorical framework for operational semantics that imposes contraints on the rules in order to guaranty some properties of the system. One of the main result of abstract GSOS theory is that bisimilarity is a congruence. Bisimilarity is a well studied notion a program equivalence, but is far from the only one, and abstract GSOS is not easily tweakable to any other notion of equivalence. This work focuses on the other extremum of the linear-time/branching-time spectrum (bisimilarity being the finest) – namely trace equivalence. We wonder under which assumptions on our abstract GSOS laws this notion of equivalence is a congruence. We transpose abstract GSOS to a Kleisli semantics and show that under right conditions of the monad (affineness) and the law (smoothness), trace equivalence can be proven to be a congruence.
Tuesday, 07/01/2025 |
Alternating Nominal Automata with Name Allocation
AbstractFormal languages over infinite alphabets serve as abstractions of structures and processes carrying data. Automata models over infinite alphabets, such as classical register automata or nominal orbit-finite automata, tend to have computationally hard or even undecidable reasoning problems unless stringent restrictions are imposed on either the power of control (like determinism instead of nondeterminism) or the number of registers. This has been shown to be ameliorated in automata models with name allocation such as regular nondeterministic nominal automata (RNNA), which allow for deciding language inclusion in elementary complexity even with unboundedly many registers while retaining a reasonable level of expressiveness. In this joint work with Lutz, Stefan, Henning and Daniel Hausmann, we demonstrate that elementary complexity survives under extending the power of control to alternation: We introduce regular alternating nominal automata (RANAs), and show that their non-emptiness and inclusion problems have elementary complexity even when the number of registers is unbounded. Moreover, we present an equivalence between RANAs and the previously introduced linear-time nominal temporal logic Bar-μTL (Hausmann et al. @ MFCS’21), and a nearly complete de-alternation procedure to RNNAs, specifically de-alternation up to a single deadlocked universal state.
Tuesday, 17/12/2024 |
Nominal Automata with Name De-allocation
AbstractWhile most name-binding mechanisms in formal languages, such as the mu calculus, adhere to the scopes of properly nested parentheses, programming languages with explicit memory allocation and deallocation commands, like C, commonly interleave scopes for allocated memory in the source code of a program. Most high-level programming languages automatically deallocate the memory reserved for variables as soon as the variables are no longer used. This approach has been adapted as a model in the local freshness semantics of bar languages, which represent data languages, and solely offer name allocation. In this case, implicit deallocation occurs as soon as a name is no longer expected to appear. In dynamic sequences, the deallocation of names is made explicit by adding closing brackets for previously bound names. After revisiting the aforementioned representations of data languages, with or without explicit memory deallocation, we will introduce and justify a comparable but distinct notion of name allocation and deallocation as a natural extension. For words in this generalization, we will investigate alpha-equivalence as an interesting property and introduce a nominal automaton model. Finally, we will explore a Kleene theorem and—quite surprisingly—the determinization of this novel automaton. |
Tuesday, 10/12/2024 |
Automated Reasoning with eFLINT and sCASP : Formulization of Commercial Registry Law
AbstractThe commercial registry is an important institution for validating information on trading partners in Germany. The obligation to inform the registry on changes to the company results in mostly legally simple and similar applications. Automated application checking could help to reduce the workload on notaries and registry court officials by eliminating oversights. My master project looked into testing logical tools on their applicability in this field. In this talk, I present the challenges faced when formalizing the registration applications using eFLINT, an action based normative specification language for compliance checking, and sCASP, an implementation of answer set programming.
Tuesday, 10/12/2024 |
Bisimulation-Based Process Algebra in Higher-Order GSOS
AbstractProcess algebras are mathematical frameworks for modeling the behaviour of concurrent systems. Bisimilarity serves as an equivalence relation for comparing their behaviour. GSOS is a rule format for defining the operational semantics for such process algebras, but is limited in its ability to encode process algebras with recursion. The key semantic property of bisimilarity being a congruence is also hard to establish in the presence of recursion – the denotational methods employed for that are notoriously involved and fragile. Higher-Order GSOS (HO-GSOS) is a recently proposed framework helping to resolve these limitations. This master’s thesis proposes a treatment of process algebras with recursion via (properly) higher-order abstract GSOS, using Milner’s Calculus of Communicating Systems as a concrete example. This is done by specifying alternative operational semantics rules, showing their equivalence to the standard semantics in the guarded case, and giving the corresponding categorical interpretation to fit into HO-GSOS.
Tuesday, 03/12/2024 |
Abstract transformation of small-step higher-order SOS to big-step
AbstractSmall-step and big-step are two well-known flavors of operational semantics. The former describes fine-grained steps of reduction, while the latter describes every finite chain of primitive reductions (if it exists) in one atomic step. One can see these two as relations and say that they are equivalent when the big-step semantics is just the transitive closure of the small-step semantics.
Usually, small-step semantics is designed first, and then an equivalent big-step semantics is derived from it. A comprehensive, rigorous method that describes this derivation does not exist in the literature, and it is usually done on a case-by-case basis every time that a language is designed or modified. Abstract HO-GSOS is a categorical framework to reason on small-step higher-order operational semantics. It describes a certain higher-order rule format categorically, allowing further abstract inspections. We have set this framework as our playground and worked through crafting the mentioned comprehensive method to derive a big-step specification. We have introduced some constraints on HO-GSOS, namely „Strongly Separated HO-GSOS,“ and described a transformation to equivalent specifications in our new rule format, „Big-step SOS.“ The equivalence of the resulting big-step derivation is proved rigorously, and some primitive and frequently needed features of programming languages have been instantiated within the method. |
Tuesday, 26/11/2024 |
Graded Fixpoint Logics
AbstractGraded semantics provide a generalized framework for the semantics (and accompanying logics) of coalgebras. In some cases, the framework even supports a notion of infinite behaviour. It’s tempting to assume that this notion would extend finite graded semantics in the same way the established finite semantics that is captured would be. But for example in the case of infinite graded trace semantics there is no such correspondence to infinite trace semantics. In this talk I will make this distinction clear and conclude with a definition of fixpoint logics for infinite graded semantics.
Tuesday, 19/11/2024 |
Conformance Games for Graded Semantics
AbstractIn concurrency theory, a range of different notions of equivalence can be characterized via Spoiler-Duplicator games; for example, most equivalences on the linear-time / branching-time spectrum come with such characterizations. In this talk, we build on work by Ford et al. that extends Spoiler-Duplicator type games to the coalgebraic setting via the framework of graded semantics. We generalize this approach to cover other types of process comparison beyond equivalence, such as behavioural preorders or pseudometrics. At first, we abstract notions of behavoiural conformance in terms of topological categories. We obtain a sound and complete generic game for behavioural conformances in this sense, for which we furthermore derive a syntactic perspective by instantiating to topological categories that can be presented in terms of relational structures.
Tuesday, 12/11/2024 |
The λμμ̃-Calculus as a Setting for (Formalist) Argumentation
AbstractIn this work-in-progress talk, we will take a Curry-Howard correspondence inspired perspective on formal argumentation theory. To this end, a dialectical variant of the (terribly named) calculus (sometimes „Matilda“) is presented and used to study central argumentation-theoretic concepts such as argument, attack (rebuttal and undercut), support, defaults and burden of proof. We will discuss some examples using an extension of the Fellowship prover for the λμμ̃-Calculus and explore possible directions for future work (rewriting, categorical semantics).
Tuesday, 05/11/2024 |
Behavioural Metrics for Higher-Order Coalgebras
AbstractHigher-order coalgebras are a convenient abstract setting for modelling higher-order languages and their operational semantics. In this talk, I introduce a fibrational approach to reasoning about congruence properties of higher-order coalgebras. It uniformly applies to various notions of applicative bisimilarity and applicative distances known in the literature, as well as to new settings such as higher-order languages combining nondeterministic and probabilistic effects.
Tuesday, 29/10/2024 |
Algebraic Language Theory with Effects
AbstractRegular languages – the languages accepted by deterministic finite automata – are known to be precisely the languages recognized by finite monoids. This characterization is the origin of algebraic language theory. In the present paper, we generalize this result to automata with computational effects given by a monad, thereby providing the foundations of an effectful algebraic language theory. Our prime application is a novel algebraic approach to languages computed by T-FA, which are finite automata with effects given by a monad T. We show that these languages coincide with
In this framework, we derive novel characterizations are for languages computed probabilistic finite automata, nondeterministic probabilistic finite automata, and weighted finite automata over arbitrary semirings. |
Tuesday, 27/08/2024 |
Towards Generalizing Probability Monads
AbstractThis 45-minutes-talk will cover some probability monads, and generalizations. In the first section, we will encounter some classical probability monads. This will lead us to weakened products and the framework of Markov categories. As a short demonstration of this formalism, we will consider (a categorical version of) de Finetti’s theorem.
The second part then addresses generalizations: imprecise probabilities, such as Dempster-Shafer-belief functions, model situations with insufficient knowledge. Do they fit into the framework of Markov categories? Do they even have probability monads? This is still an open question. Non-commutative probability is another way of generalization; I will shortly show how this is formulated in terms of C*-algebras, and point to recent results on involutive / quantum Markov categories. |