Praktische Semantik von Programmiersprachen SS14

Praktische Semantik von Programmiersprachen

Sommersemester 2014
Dozenten Tadeusz Litak
Termine und Ort see UniVis
Umfang 4 SWS – 7,5 ECTS
Zielgruppe WPF INF-BA-V-THI ab 4. Semester
WPF INF-MA ab 1. Semester
The first week
  • UniViS says our meetings are supposed to be Di 10:15 – 11:45, 02.133-113; Do 16:15 – 17:45, 02.134-113. This is what we’re stuck with the first week at least. If you’re interested in the course, but cannot make these dates, let me know and we can discuss if something can be done.
  • For literature, background information etc., please see the course description page

Please do try to install Coq on your machine. There are several ways of doing so. One is to do it from the Coq webpage (remember all links are here). Another – via ports/repositories for your operating system. There is also the option of using the local CIP-Pool installation. You can run it via addpackage coq and coqide. For the live sessions, running it in the cip-pool may be not so useful, but it for the homework it might be the right thing. The emacs setup should be quite straightforward (hat tip to Thorsten Wißmann for the information about CIP-Pool!).

Yes, emacs. There are two possible IDEs. One is Emacs, the other CoqIde. I am personally using Emacs, so I will not help you with CoqIde problems, but in principle both front-ends are fine as options.


For the time being, I am planning to use StudOn for this lecture. Please try to register there and report to me any problems that you might encounter.

UPDATE Seems we are going to stick with StudOn. A lot of material is already there, including the first Hausaufgabe. If you’re still interested in joining the course, but haven’t subscribed via StudOn, please do it. If you encounter any problems, do let me know immediately.