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dr Tadeusz Litak

Akademischer Rat

PhD (Information Science) JAIST 2005, Magister of Philosophy UJ 2001
my name dot surname at fau de
Or if you prefer: my name dot m dot surname at cs fau de
Both addresses are behaviourally equivalent or at least weakly bisimilar: some silent transitions might be involved
Chair For Theoretical Computer Science (Informatik 8) of prof. dr Lutz Schröder
Work address:
Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room 11.155
Work phone:
+49 9131 85-64032
Work fax:
+49 9131-85-64055
Please see my teaching, news and activities page for this.
PC membership:
Again, please see my teaching, news and activities page for up-to-date information.
87, or at least I think so
Author of the portrait:
my wife Yoko
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