Some Modal Aspects of XPath (bibtex)
by Balder ten Cate, Gaëlle Fontaine and Tadeusz Litak
Balder ten Cate, Gaëlle Fontaine and Tadeusz Litak: Some Modal Aspects of XPath, In Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 20(3), pp. 139–171, 2010. Invited paper to the special 20th anniversary issue For quite a while only the early M4M version was broadly available online. Access to JANCL is rather restricted. I noticed it relatively recently. It is a shame, as the real journal version is much more substantial. You can now verify this claim: [local copy]
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Some Modal Aspects of {XPath}},
  author={ten Cate, Balder and Fontaine, Ga{\"e}lle and Litak, Tadeusz},
  journal={Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics},
  note = {},
  note =  {Invited paper to the special 20th anniversary issue},
  url       = {},
  publisher={Taylor \& Francis},
  comment = {<div class="textleft"> For quite a while only the early M4M version was broadly available online. Access to JANCL is rather restricted. I noticed it relatively recently. It is a shame, as the real journal version is much more substantial.  You can now verify this  claim: </div> <a href=""> [local copy] </a>} 
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