A Continuum of Incomplete Intermediate Logics (bibtex)
by Tadeusz Litak
Tadeusz Litak: A Continuum of Incomplete Intermediate Logics, In Reports on Mathematical Logic, 36, pp. 131–141, 2002. Corrected in 2018
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Tadeusz Litak},
  title     = {A Continuum of Incomplete Intermediate Logics},
  journal   = {Reports on Mathematical Logic},
  volume    = {36},
  year      = {2002},
  pages     = {131--141},
  note = {Corrected in 2018},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.06284},
  ALTurl = {http://www8.cs.fau.de/~litak/papers/rml2002corrected.pdf},
  ALTurl        = {http://www.iphils.uj.edu.pl/rml/rml-36/a-lit-36.htm}
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