Guard Your Daggers and Traces: On The Equational Properties of Guarded (Co-)recursion (bibtex)
by Stefan Milius and Tadeusz Litak
Stefan Milius and Tadeusz Litak: Guard Your Daggers and Traces: On The Equational Properties of Guarded (Co-)recursion, In David Baelde, Arnaud Carayol, eds.: FICS, EPTCS, vol. 126, pp. 72–86, 2013. Superseded by the journal version invited to FI
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Stefan Milius and
               Tadeusz Litak},
  title     = {Guard Your Daggers and Traces: On The Equational Properties
               of Guarded (Co-)recursion},
  booktitle = {FICS},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {72-86},
  ee        = {}, 
  editor    = {David Baelde and
               Arnaud Carayol},
  note     = {Proceedings Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science,
               FICS 2013, Turino, Italy, September 1st},
  booktitle = {FICS},
  series    = {EPTCS},
  volume    = {126},
  note =  {Superseded by the journal version invited to FI},
  url        = {}
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