A Semantics for Hybrid Iteration (bibtex)
by Sergey Goncharov, Julian Jakob and Renato Neves
Sergey Goncharov, Julian Jakob and Renato Neves: A Semantics for Hybrid Iteration, In Sven Schewe, Lijun Zhang, eds.: 29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2018), LNCS, Springer, 2018. [preprint]
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{   GoncharovJakobEtAl18,
  author        = {Sergey Goncharov and Julian Jakob and Renato Neves},
  title         = {A Semantics for Hybrid Iteration},
  year          = {2018},
  editor        = {Sven Schewe and Lijun Zhang},
  booktitle     = {29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory
                  (CONCUR 2018)},
  comment       = {<a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.01053">[preprint]</a>},
  publisher     = springer,
  series        = lncs
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